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26 Jul 2016

Autonomous cars

tesla s
Source: http://abc7chicago.com/automotive/ntsb-driver-killed-in-self-driving-car-was-going-9-mph-over-speed-limit/1444006/
Unless you have been living under the rock, you have probably heard of autonomous cars getting into an accident. One accident involving the semi-autonomous Tesla Model S unfortunately led to the fatal death of Joshua Brown, the owner of the ill-fated Model S, when his Model S drove underneath a tractor trailer making a left turn. Apparently, Brown's Model S failed to detect the trailer, as observed by Tesla, "Neither autopilot nor the driver noticed the white side of the tractor-trailer against a brightly lit sky". As a result, the Model S failed to apply the brake and hit the trailer's underside, ripping off the Model S roof, consequently killing Brown.

Source: https://www.google.com/selfdrivingcar/where/
Another accident involving an autonomous car is a Google car which struck a bus trying to switch lane. As highlighted in an article by ExtremeTech, the vehicle being tested, the 2012 Lexus RX450h, thought the bus would give way. In contrast, the bus driver also thought the Lexus will give way. Result? Neither of them budge and they came into contact, damaging the Lexus front left fender, wheel, and driver side sensor.  

What do the two incidences entailed then? Does this mean the claim autonomous cars are safer than human drivers are dubious? Before we go in with guns blazing thinking cars that drive itself around are 4-wheel deathtrap, we should take a deep breath and look at the bigger picture.

Autonomous cars are still at its infancy. More R&D is still on the card. Meaning, it will take years before the software improves. As a comparison, even automatic transmission technology took several years until it becomes impeccably refine in the present day. What used to be a sluggish and fuel guzzling 'slush box', the technology has improved so much that it is not just more fuel efficient than the manual transmission, but also enhances a car's performance level above what the manual transmission used to offer.

If automatic transmission technology can improve, surely autonomous cars can do the same. With some software tweaks, autonomous cars will be able to do what it fails to do today.

In the present state, there may be some negative perception about the credibility of autonomous cars, but with time, autonomous cars will improve so much that it can recognise wide range of road obstacles at every angle.

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